The 1-st Business TV channel. The emphasis. The topic: «The Kyivan’s card» — is the path towards the all-out informatization

The studio’s guest — is YEVGEN LISNYAK, the executive director of the LLC «Universal information technology».

What is the Kyivan’s card, how can it be received, what kind of functionality does the card possess, what  was established and what is planned to be created on the basis of the capital dweller’s card? «Firstly, this project — is our pride, since we implemented it without being supported by the central authorities. When we were told – you’ve got no register, you can’t get there from here, you haven’t got an infrastructure, we said as follows: «Allow us to make it, and as for the infrastructure – it will lift the game». The infrastructure lifted the game. The modern data-centre is evolved on basis of the communal enterprise the principal information-computer center currently, where a complex system of information’s protection is established. It is certified by the state certification centre. And secondly, we’ve implemented and we’ve shown others the first example of the state-and-private partnership in the sphere of information technology in Ukraine. Since the card is issued to the people gratuitously, and it’s attendance is gratuitous as well».

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