Fiscal server is specialized cash register

Fiscal server (payment transactions registrator) – automated hardware and software complex that provides management of tax record-keeping for purchase and return of travel documents (fiscalization of E-Ticket), as well as payment for goods, services, fees, and others. operations.

     Fiscal Server functions:

  • Centrally fix the payment operations;
  • Store in the fiscal memory data about the transactions;
  • Generate reports to the State Tax Service.

      Using Fiscal server in the system allows to:

  • Fiscalize travel documents (E-ticket is both a boarding document and the fiscal document, regardless of the method of payment or purchase);
  • Eliminate the need to use cash registers machines in the points of sale;
  • Simplify and centralize the process of tax reporting;
  • Register by 1 million payment transactions per day.

      Fiscal server is specialized cash register, which allows:

  • to save funds to purchase cash registers for any sales point or services delivery point;
  • to save funds for service cash registers distributed throughout all country;
  • to register all fiscal operations on-line;
  • centrally to prepare and send financial reporting to tax agency on-line.


       Fiscal Server functions:

  • Centrally fix the payment operations;
  • Store in the fiscal memory data about the transactions;
  • Generate reports to the State Tax Service.