The software for the implementation of access control mechanism to the smart card contactless electronic media carrier
The software is designed to establish a secure communication channel with contactless electronic media carrier of smart card and to work with the data contained on it.
It performs the following functions:
- Communicates with a Document reader;
- Authorizes the contactless electronic media records through BAC/PACE using the selected authentication mechanism: MRZ or CAN;
- Reads and checks of object data protection (SOD) and digital signature, is superimposes on the data groups contained in the contactless electronic media;
- Carries out the identification of the owner of the smart card by its private key and certificate created in accordance with ICAO Doc 9303 standard, access to which is protected by PACE protocol using the PIN-code 1;
- Reads the personal and biometric data stored on a contactless electronic media;
- Performs variable information recording in data group;
- Carries out the change the PIN-code and the PUK-code.